sexological bodywork
Sexological bodywork, also known as embodied sex education, can support a deeper connection to your body, to find safety in it, to explore and celebrate your sexuality and erotic potential, to find clarity about your needs, boundaries and desires and to explore your gender identity. Your own learning is central. It is a client-led and trauma-informed approach in which you can explore your very unique way of needs. We can find new ways to expand the potential for lust and pleasure and integrate sexual self-confidence. Over the years we learn so many ways of how a body should be like, how sexuality and love should be performed and very little space is there to just feel what we really wish for. Systems of oppressions are heavily influencing the way we see and treat ourselves and bodies including guilt, shame and not knowing our bodies. It also shapes encounters with others. Through these methods we find a "safer space" in which we (un)learn and reclaim our own bodies, voices and choices.
Let‘s find your personal juicyness!
There are different methods to explore sensations and empowering pleasure and communication. However, you have choices and you decide how and what you want to explore. Everybody and every BODY is unique and has its own potential. You know your own body best and I can offer a support to allow a deeper exploration.
Each session will last about 2-3 hours (Preliminary talk + bodywork session + reflexion talk). Touching will only take place after discussing it with you (consent) and of course there will be no touch at all if you do not want to. Touch happens one sided and I will be dressed in all sessions. You can be dressed, fully naked and everything in between. Every genital/anal touch will happen with gloves and good quality oil or lubricant. Of course you can of also bring your own if you prefer. Sexological Bodywork was developed by Joseph Kramer in the institute for Advanced Studies of Human Sexuality in San Francisco grows with institutes all over the globe.Find out more in FAQ's below. For more information about Sexological
Bodywork visit following pages:
The first 15 mins get to know each other / check-in call is for free.
We look at your beautiful body in the mirror together and we let your body talk. It could also be a ritual to undress. “The most powerful antidote to a world of body terrorism is a world of compassion. Giving yourself the gift of grace is an act of revolution!”― Sonya Renee Taylor, The Body Is Not an Apology
Mirror Ritual /
Tell your story body
(will of course be adapted to your needs & wishes)
You get a space to be witnessed in your self-love practice (however that looks like for you). It is a space to normalize and de-stigmatize something so powerful and beautiful. Experience a sacred space and to have full permission be seen and witnessed. You can touch yourself, dressed or undressed and allow yourself to be seen.
Let's embrace feeling the anatomy apart from a scientific approach. Look at the anatomy of your body and or your genitals with or without touch. Find your own language and the sensations of those points. Find your names for your bodyparts to reclaim your own body.
Somatic Anatomy /
The Wheel of Consent has been developed from Betty Martin and is mainly the tool that we work with. Explore the directions of how to give and receive touch and develop a language in expressing your needs, wishes and also your boundaries. A 'yes' 'maybe' and 'no' is equally celebrated and totally sexy. We could also use 'Bossy massage' which is a tool where you guide every touch for a period of time.
Consent & Boundaries
You will draw a map of a specific area of your body and or your genitals / anus. It could be a pleasure mapping (and also to allow to acknowledge parts which feel numb / painful) or any topic that you wish for. It gives you a better understanding of your personal body landscape.
Mapping bodyparts/
We will find one specific stroke that will be repeated slowly over a long time to fully let the body sink into that sensation. Experience how relaxation will be integrated into the nervoussystem through knowing what is happening next and be surprised of ecstatic journeys that can unfold from there.
Genital / Anal
Different touch techniques support people in exploring, relaxing and re-sensitising scarred tissue all over the body, especially on the chest and genitals. We can use castor oil and work with heat aswell.
Scar tissue massage
Find your own diversity of somatic perceptions and sensations in the body while dancing, breathing, being touched. Feel your full potential of your erotic body and expand your range of pleasure.
Erotic Massage
"If you can't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?" RuPaul
You will be supported in your own masturbation practice. You will find a wide range of sensation possibilities and implement a regular pracitice like doing your sports programme.
Who are my clients?
My offerings are relevant for everyone +18 (all body shapes, gender expressions, sexuality and genital configuration). My aim is to especially give access to pleasure for marginalized people and those intersections: Black, Indigenous and People of Color, queer people, trans people, disabled people, luscious bodies, hairy bodies, people, migrants, low income people, single parents. It's for people who are shy, insecure, loud, loved, unloved, brave, sad and so on. No previous experience is needed.
Where will a session take place?
I have access to a space called Skinship which is close to Warschauerbrücke in Berlin. Since I share the space with others and I can manage to offer sessions also at home. We can also talk about a session in your home or online.
With what topics do clients come?
-curiosity to expand sexuality, pleasure and vocabulary around the topics of pleasure
-sexuality-related issues of not knowing the body&sexual potential
-societal pressure of performing but not knowing the own body apart from the norm and how to express needs, wishes, boundaries
-stress of everyday life doesn't allow exploring, dismantle, re-learning
-rarely the exploration is by oneself but rather with other people
-discomfort with body parts / body dysmorphia
-numbness in bodyparts / tendency to not feel pleasure in the own body
-scar tissues (can also be mental scars) of sexual trauma/birth/surgeries/ abortion
Can I also come with my (play)partner(s)?
Yes! We can figure out how we can work together. Depending on the topic I would sometimes suggest to do a exploration on your own and then come together.
If you are a group of friends or a group we can think about a workshop that suits your wishes.
Can I cancel my session(s)?
In case of delays, I appreciate a short message.
48 hours before the session a cancellations is possible without payment. 24 hours before the session I will charge 50% of the price. After that the full price will be charged, even if there is a sickness involved. I ask for your understanding for this rule since I'm proudly a self managed person I don't have any securities. In case I will have a emergency and cannot hold space I try will let you know as soon as possible.
What happens with my shared information? and what happens if we see each other on the street?
I will keep all shared information confidential and I am committed to the ethical guidelines for the practice of sexological bodywork of the easb. I will not talk to you on the street about your session.
Can I get a refund from my health insurance?
Unfortunately no. But in case of financial difficulties we will for sure find a solution together.
What is the difference between Sexological Bodywork and Tantra/Therapy/Sex Work?
The focus is to create a space for your own learning with topics related to sexuality. It is an embodied learning with the possibility of touch (also genital and anal). It is about your growth and empowertment - it's about finding tools that you can use also after the session by yourself. Sexological Bodywork is not an replacement for a therapy.
It is NOT a psychotherapy, medical or gynaecological treatment, it is NOT not a sexual pedagogical information event, nor a relaxation/medical/erotic massage. We will always set an intention for the session and keep in communication to have a combination of body, mind and spirits.