& participation

Webdesign for ProYecto Labia
ProYecto L A B I A – Poetry in Practice
is a living platform exploring self pleasure as activism and as a political practice. During its third phase (November 2021-April 2022) the ProYecto opened a portal to experience (self)pleasure, (hi)story-telling and community-care as means towards embodied decoloniality. Project by wonderful hostexxxx Daniela Mara Téllez. I had the privilege to be part of this project as a participant and was asked to create the website for the documentation afterwards.

Webdesign for Rebelle Art
The path of a girl in Central Asian Tajikistan is mapped out: Birth, marriage, children, family. But two young women chose a different path. They were full of the urge for freedom and had enough of the tight corset of society where women have nothing to say and experience violence within and outside the family. On their way to a self-determined life, the two met far from home in Switzerland. For the first time, the two souls felt truly understood by a counterpart. The moving dance-theatre piece Metamorphosis tells of the eternal shame and guilt imposed on women - and of their courage and solidarity.
I am part of the association with the wonderful Rebellas, supporting as a graphic designer and rebellious spirit in their pieces.